anxiety therapist portrait artwork

Calm. Nurture. Transform.

Anxiety Therapy

virtual anxiety therapist in San Francisco Bay Area and across California & Pennsylvania

“We are nervous beings, in nervous nations, at an increasingly nervous time.”  

- Jen Seriano, author of Nervous.  

Perhaps you don’t know how to feel settled. Everyday tasks feel more difficult than they need to be.  

Perhaps “what-ifs” thoughts blizzard - constantly undermining your actions and connections. Second guessing yourself is the norm. 

Perhaps the incessant worries & doubts shower your mind.  You can’t help but to do everything-and-nothing well, to opt-out of tasks or activities.   

Perhaps you feel scared and tense - nauseous or achy in your pit. This inner jitteriness, tenseness, and the worn-out-ness are all-over. 

Perhaps you don’t know when your heart is going to jump out of your chest. Sometimes you can barely catch your breath. Perhaps it happens way too often, leaving you weathered, lost, and confined.  

You are tired of the persistent cloud of fear or catastrophe about everything!  

You notice the impact of anxiety in all area of your life - work, relationships, friendships, home, and everywhere!

Don’t let anxiety be a relentless storm

that wears you down & washes you out.

Let’s befriend anxiety with your whole body.  

I specialize in mindfulness and somatic therapy

- tools and skills to let anxiety be one of many phenomenons -

not the only ONE! 


Our sessions can be a growing refuge to:

-> Catch your breath.

-> Slow down & befriend.

-> Observe and be witnessed in what you are feeling and experiencing.

-> Notice the roots of their singular or repeated patterns and occurrences.

-> Bring compassion and movement to the critical and doubtful inner voices.

-> Let go of fixation of what can’t be changed or controlled.

Experience shifts…


repeated worries

perfectionism & catastrophizing

either/or thinking

immediate reactivity

tossed and battered by ups & downs of life

keeping things from simmering over


new and growing peace

intentional response to your present

rest, daydream, and nourish into yourself, family, & community

growing ability to feel strong emotions, and back to settling

spoken richness & embodied presence with all parts

compassion for the complexity noticed and experienced

Get in touch

Return to the aliveness of your backbone, your beating heart!

Discover renewal today!


Frequently asked questions

  • My approach to anxiety therapy is holistic, mindful, and somatic-based - centering Somatic Experiencing therapy. Please check out my methods page for more details.

  • Roots of anxiousness can predate here-and-now:

    • pre-natal experiences

    • enduring social or economic challenges your family faced

    • cultural oppression

    Conditions here-and-now can also exacerbate anxiousness:

    • ongoing life and work stressors

    • social media and 24 hours news consumption

    • environmental degradation and catastrophes happening.

    When we experience persistent anxiety, it can indicate that your body is stuck in a threat response pattern of fight, flight, or freeze. Your body and autonomic nervous system may have become habituated to a past painful stressor or experience that the body has stored to react to even now.

    Or, there can be real stressors here and now that need your attention and skillful response. We can develop clarity and build capacity and tools for both.

    • You find yourself overly concerned about everyday matters, worrying thoughts persisting or worsening.

    • You find yourself with strong urges to keep busy so bad things won’t happen.

    • You feel more and more isolated over time.

    • You don’t know how to settle or ground.

    • You are having panic attacks, whether with unknown causes or familiar ones.

    • Jitteriness, tension, or physical discomfort are getting the best of you. This can be a safe, exploratory space to process, to release, and to return unconditional care to you!