healing professional looking pensive, could benefit from therapy for therapists

Honor your body.

Therapy for Therapists & Healing Professionals

virtual therapy in San Francisco Bay Area and across CA & PA.

Hey healers, where is the room for your overwhelm and pain?  

This calling to be with others in pain & distress is a noble one.  You give your all to others every day.  You have gone through years of study, clinical training, and direct client care - with your full heart, mind, and body.  

It is fulfilling & heart-full, and you may even be well-loved by your clients and well-respected by your colleagues.  And this dedication/these pains/these structures/these cultural forces are beginning to take their toll.  

You care for so many clients.  And perhaps, they actually receive the care and unconditional regard that you yourself don’t! 

Here is the toll on you: 

  • Feeling stuck with work/higher ups/systems, like you have to keep going & that you don’t want to.  

  • Not enjoying your practice like you thought you would or once did.  

  • Doubting your rapport with clients and your skills

  • All the existential feels: 

    • What does this work even mean to you?

    • What is the purpose of all of this?  

  • Then the feels about you: 

    • What does it even mean to care for yourself?  

  • Discomfort in your own skin, having to “perform” and “fake it.”

How I work:

At the core of my approach to therapy is a belief that:

You matter!  Your body matters and needs tending and care.  

You are a new or a seasoned therapist or healing professional.  You seek support from a therapist who grapples with the complexity and nuances of healing work, and who is going to be compassionate and challenging to you.  You seek a therapist who is willing to sense and inquire about your struggles. 

Someone who can attune to how this shows up in your body and what it speaks.  Someone skilled and committed to addressing your feelings of burnout, overwhelm, or insecurity.  Someone who can guide you back to confidence and flow in your work, relationships, and life. 

How will the sessions benefit you?

  • Perhaps you have some sense of past stressors or traumas replaying in your personal relationships or clinical work - some vague imprints of this here. We can unwind, breathe, and care for that and you here. Perhaps a sense of being beyond your limits in the past that is being activated now. We can get to know and befriend all parts of you that need support - so you can be a better you - not just for others who need care.

  • Time for you to be imperfect, scared, and upset with what happened at work & in life - the pains you witnessed and held. It is all right for you to speak and grieve and be numb.

  • Space for you to ponder how you end up doing things you don’t want to do in your own life - yell at your kids, melting down for no apparent reason, or even shutting down or zoning out with those around. Space to ponder your own dreams and curiosities - surfacing them to be honored and actualized.

  • You feel things you don’t want to feel, like anger, resentment or dread, towards your clients, your partner, even your own child or a random stranger walking down the street. You can have a confidential space to release and process this.

Your work has gotten to you!

Instead of…
overriding you and internalizing painful experiences chronically and cumulatively.

Let's soothe and care for you with skillful, compassionate support now.

What you’ll gain

with therapy for yourself

  • Grow space for self-inquiry. 

  • Find balance. 

  • Clarify and attune different levels of compassion - within yourself, your clients, and your interpersonal relationships.

  • Explore how you relate to systems and cultural shifts.

  • Sense back into your own body with greater capacity and resiliency. 

  • Renew commitment and love for you - to you! 

Get in touch

Let’s bring the healing back to you


Frequently asked questions

  • After working in various inpatient and outpatient community mental health and end-of-life settings, I know firsthand the impact of the traumas of our clients, their families, and our systems can have. The pain and suffering can trigger overwhelm, irritability, sadness, and other feelings that one may want to shutdown and numb out. You may also run towards this work as issues build up in your personal lives - to mirror the hurt we ourselves in work are trying to lessen and uproot. Therapy can a powerful third space to move through what is here for you - whether the pain is of your client, of yours, or of our hurting world. And our sessions can be a sacred space to envision and sense new possibilities and resources. I have firsthand experienced all of this in my own therapy and healing. Therefore, it is a central priority in my therapy practice to offer this to you!

  • Due to my trainings in healthcare and spirituality, my clients have primarily been:

    • Therapists

    • Physicians

    • Nurses

    • Spiritual leaders

    • Those caring for elders, young children, or folks with chronic or terminal illnesses.

    And I personally see anyone who is present and interacts with the suffering, pain, and crisis of others or our planet as part of our healing community. This includes:

    • Ecologists

    • Social activists

    • Firefighters

    • International relief workers

    • Military personnel

    • EMTs

    • Home health aides, and countless others.

    Whether the pain and suffering we encounter is widely recognized or barely perceived, chronic or single-incident, widely visible or unknown to others, my role is to help you build clarity in your intentions and efforts to care.

    Just as important and if not more vital, our sessions will be your space to explore what is happening in your body, mind, and heart - in and out of care. This in turn helps you build your own clarity - how you wish to and are living your life day-to-day.

  • Since 2023, I have been assisting in trainings for Somatic Experiencing®. I am approved to provide Personel Sessions for Beginning Level Somatic Experiencing® students. Please reach out to inquire.